45 Hours Under Snow

USD 10.00

Weight 0.195 kg
Dimensions 14.5 × 21 cm


Book Author

Number of Pages


Arabi 21


SKU: 9789957682415 Categories: , Tags: , , , , , , , ,

Etisalat Award for Arabic Children’s Literature – 2022


Hayan who will be fourteen years old goes on a trip with his family to their mountain cottage on Mount Tubkal, and there he gets to know Khaldoun, the boy who sometimes predicts the upcoming events.
Hayan and Khaldoun face a serious problem in the mountain, which forces them to behave in a different temper than their nature, so their relationship gets stronger.
So how far can we overcome difficulties, and turn our small setbacks with others into big victories?

Long Description

An avalanche occurs and floods the cottage with snow and detains Hayan with his sister Jenan and their neighbor Sumaya with her grandson Khaldoun.
The minutes and hours pass slowly, and Hayan lives his hardest hours. Despite the fear and waiting for the unknown destiny, Khaldoun the boy who has the ability to predict some events, succeeds in turning fear into an adventure in which everyone joins, so they could survive, while everyone is detained, they discovered that breaks and setbacks can be turned into great victories and being different might be the reason for our gathering and love.