Q1. Where can I find the books published by Dar Al Yasmine?
Answer: There are several ways to get the books published by our Publishing house; you can buy online through the bookstore option on our website and then complete the process.
You can order your books through any of our social media platforms and our team will be contacting you to complete your order.
You can check the nearby distributors in your country.
Q2. I am a book distributor and would like to distribute your books, what are the procedures that should be followed?
Answer: It’s our pleasure that you consider joining Al Yasmine’s family. You are kindly requested to send a full quotation about the details of your shop and the plan you have in mind (quantity of books) to “ info@alyasminebooks.com” and we will get back to you if your quotation plan aligns with Al Yasmine’s publishing policies and vision.
Q3. I am an author / illustrator that would like to work with Dar Al Yasmine? What is the procedure that should be followed?
Answer: Thank you for considering Dar Al Yasmine. Yes we do accept many scripts to be published under the name of Dar Al Yasmine.
As for the procedure: we ask you to please send your story to “ info@alyasminebooks.com “ in a word file or pdf document, in addition to the author’s name. The related department will review and evaluate the story and get back to you
Due to the high volume of inquiries we receive on a daily basis, we appreciate your patience .
If you don’t receive any email within 30 working days we would like to apologize in advance as your story might not be aligned with the style and messages that Al Yasmine adopts.