Q1. When will I receive my shipment?
Answer: Due to the different shipping policies in the countries that we operate in, it would be difficult to specify the transit time needed to deliver your shipment. However, once orders are Due to the different shipping policies in the countries that we operate in, it would be difficult to specify the transit time needed to deliver your shipment. However, once orders are placed they leave our warehouses within 2 working days to be shipped internationally. Our working days are from Sunday to Thursday.
Q2. When can I be refunded? Or exchange my order?
Answer: Refunds will only be issued for products ordered directly from our website (alyasminebooks.com) within 3 days of the delivery receipt. Kindly make sure that all claims are supported with scanned evidence clearly demonstrating the damaged goods.
Q3. How much time do I need before canceling my order?
Answer: Once your order is confirmed, you have 24 hours to cancel it. Cancellation is done only through our website.
Q4. Can I return my order?
Answer: Items ordered from alysminebooks.com can be returned IF they meet the following conditions:
Items must be new, unopened, undamaged.
Disclaimer: Dar Al Yasmine is NOT responsible for any customs regulations/difficulties that may happen in your country.