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Welcome, Ramadan Crescent… We missed you!

Children are eagerly waiting for happy new events, and the most important event is the Holy Month of Ramadan, in which the routine of our daily life changes and children usually feel excited for Ramadan to come.

Here are some tips to prepare our children for Ramadan:

  • Talk to them about Ramadan’s grace.

  • Decorate the house with your children.

  • Make lanterns with them.

  • Give your children the opportunity to choose the places they want to decorate at home.

  • Encourage them to do good deeds, no matter how simple it was.

  • Ask them to help you prepare the menu for the Holy Month.

  • Read some stories about Ramadan with them.

  • Prepare some riddles and tales to share them with the whole family, especially the grandmothers.

  • Encourage your children to gradually fast.

  • Reward your children.

  • Teach your children to think about others.

  • Stay tuned with them for the Sahur Drummer.

  • Participate in prayers.

Ramadan is known for its compassion and sympathy.