Where is My Tooth?

USD 7.00

Weight 0.185 kg
Dimensions 24 × 24 cm


Book Author

Book Illustrator

Number of Pages


Arabi 21


SKU: 9789957682774 Categories: , , Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Ali’s tooth starts to wobble, and he feels happy and eagerly waits for it to fall, but the tooth refuses to fall.
Suddenly, Ali’s tooth disappears, so he starts looking for it with Bana everywhere.
Where did Ali’s tooth disappear? Why would Ali want his tooth to fall so quickly?

Parent & Teacher Guide

Ali feels his tooth wobbling in his mouth, he tries to make it fall down so he could put it under his pillow to get money instead of it, but the tooth refuses to fall.

Bana and his friend Tareq try to help him, but all of their attempts tend to fail.

Suddenly, Ali’s tooth disappears, he looks everywhere for it, but to no avail.

Where did Ali’s tooth disappear? Will he find it and fulfill his wish?

Each child reacts differently when it comes to losing their primary teeth, while some children feel excited that their teeth started to wobble, others feel worried and scared about the idea of losing their teeth or the feeling of any possible pain.

As parents, we should reassure our children, talk to them, and tell them tales and stories such as the Tooth Fairy tale, hoping that it will make this experience easier and seamless, it will also encourage them to face their fear by reminding them that they are going to have stronger teeth.

There are some old habits about rituals practiced when children lose their very first tooth, like throwing the tooth towards the sun and repeating kind phrases, these habits will give children reassurance, accept the idea of losing their teeth, and make them sure they will get something better and much stronger than the tooth they lost.

For Discussion:

1-         How do you take care of your dental health?

2-         How often do you clean your teeth?

3-         How old were you when you lost your very first teeth?

4-         Why do teeth fall?

5-         How many primary teeth?

6-         How many permanent teeth?

7-         Did your tooth fall out alone or did you get help?

8-         How did you feel when lost it?

9-         What was the first thing you did when your tooth fell down?

10-       Do you know anyone who lost a tooth before you did?

11-       Who was the first person you talked to when you lost it?

12-       What is the strangest habit you know when teeth fall?

13-       Who do you think replaces teeth with money?

14-       Have you ever heard of the Tooth Fairy?

15-       Is the Tooth fairy real or a myth?

16-       Have you ever heard of throwing a tooth toward the sun?

17-       Have you ever tried to throw your sun once it fell down?