The Wolf that Said Akhuuuu

USD 12.00

Weight 0.180 kg
Dimensions 20 × 24 cm


Book Author

Book Illustrator

Number of Pages


Arabi 21


SKU: 9789957682637 Categories: , Tags: , , , , , , ,

As his usual habit, every night the wolf tries to howl. A howl that the wind would carry, but his howl comes out weird… so weird.
The wolf looked for someone to help until he reached the owl that suggested him the solution. What was the wolf problem? Will he recover his strong howl one day?

Parent & Teacher Guide

As his usual habit, the wolf climbed the highest rock which was overlooking the whole forest.

He took a deep breath, looked to the sky, and said: “I’m going to howl. A strong howl that the wind would carry to my friends.”

However, his voice suddenly changed and did not come out as usual, he could not spell the word he was supposed to. The Wolf rushed to the doctor to ask for help, but he did not understand what the wolf was talking about, and it was all because he did not pronounce the words well, so the wolf jumped out to look for a solution.

The wolf thought in several places and went to several people to ask for help, but no one understood what he was saying until he reached the wise Owl who suggested going to a speech specialist, so the wolf decided to go, and that is where the specialist discovered that there was a lettuce stuck in his throat and that the wolf does not chew his food well.

“The Wolf Who Said Akhuuuu” with its simple and lighthearted events which are close to children, highlights pronunciation problems and stuttering letters, it also encourages children not to give up easily, to seek after solutions, and to be assured that every problem has a solution.

The story points out the need to seek help from a specialist and the importance of chewing food well before swallowing to avoid what happened to the Wolf.

At the end of the story, the Wolf’s howl will be loud again, and the villagers will enjoy hearing it again.

For Discussion:

  • What did you think the Wolf was suffering from?

  • Did you guess what was the Wolf’s problem from the beginning?

  • Who is the first person you turn to when you face a problem?

  • Do you know anyone who has a speech problem?

  • How will you behave with this person?

  • Why did the Wolf turn to his grandma?

  • Why did the Wolf turn to Mrs. Falafel?

  • Why did the Wolf think he might find the solution with the Apothecary?

  • In your opinion, why did the wolf eventually conclude that the Owl could help him?

  • Did you expect the Wolf problem?

  • Why should we chew our food well before swallowing it?

  • If you were able to write the end of the story, what would be the solution for the Wolf?

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Author       Amal Naser

Lebanese-Mexican, graduate of the Lebanese University, Department of Arabic Literature, graduate student in children’s and young people’s literature, student of philosophy and theater directing, writer of stories, novels, screenplays, and poetry.

Trainer and preparer of artistic, literary, and educational workshops for children and adolescents.

In 2020, she founded Dar Rummana, a publishing house whose books mainly target young people and late childhood audiences.
She had experiences judging local competitions in theatre, literary texts and stories.

She has experience in acting, theater directing, and voice dubbing, translates from Spanish, and works on producing and editing books for children and young people, in addition to managing Rummana House.
She has about a hundred publications in the most important Arab publishing houses. Her books have been translated into international languages, including French, English, Spanish, Turkish, Portuguese, Swahili, and others.

She is the recipient of awards including the Abdul Hameed Shoman Prize and the New York Writing Fellowship.


Illustrator               Yeganeh


Yeganeh holds a bachelor’s degree in graphic designs and a master’s degree in drawing

She has had several solo exhibitions and more than 10 group exhibitions

I illustrated more than 19 books and illustrated magazines. She won Etisalat Award for her illustrations for “Orange Ball” with Dar Al Yasmine in the 2022 Chapter Book category.