
10 Tips to Reduce Anxiety in Children

2Q== Dar Al Yasmine Publishing and Distribution

Children can feel anxious about different things at different ages. Many of these worries are a normal part of growing up. If a child is experiencing anxiety, there are things that parents can do to help.

  • Talk to your child about their anxiety or worries.

  • Reassure them and show them you understand how they feel.

  • Help them find solutions to reduce the amount of stress their anxiety is causing them.

  • Turn an empty tissue box into a “worry” box and get your children to write or draw their worries and post them into the box.

  • Distract them from overthinking their worries by taking them out or playing a board game with them.

  • Try not to be overprotective or anxious, because they see you as a role model.

  • Children usually find routines reassuring, so try to stick to a regular daily routine.

  • If your children’s anxiety is affecting their school life, try to consult a doctor.

  • Encourage your children to manage their anxiety and ask for help whenever they need it.

  • Practice simple relaxation techniques with your child, such as taking a deep breath or counting to ten on their fingers.